Sunday, June 21, 2009


There must be as many stars as there are trains of thought
Boundless leaps chasing each other inexhaustible
Sometimes it takes two hands to rein them all in,
Stars and thoughts.

And who would have known that in the midst of all this
Velvet confusion, there is yet another to take the place
Of nebulas and supernovas

Another wave begins.


Richard J.A. said...

Ayay nagsugod na balik. Unta di muhunong. Ug unta dili ka ma pressure sa imong kaugalingon. Lisod na kayo tugbawan ang asoy bahin mga bituon ug kahangawan.

And consistent kayo tanan diri. Very unpretentiously solid.

hannilou said...

mao lage oi, hadlok gani ko basin tuig na pud usa ko makasuwat balik hehe. but i knew i had to write this one...wala man ko na-pressure...the words just came to me suddenly while being sleep-deprived.

salamat sa pagduaw.

Anonymous said...

Re your comment on The Chat: Continuation of the messages in your CBOX.....But I don't think i agree with everything you said in the comment. One conservative consequence that the biology of my being is making me feel about what you said about choice can be put in like this: a.) rapists made a choice and they love that b.) people offended made a choice to prosecute the rapist because they feel it can make them better, hence, deep-down, they love it, or at least in my definition which try as I might to get rid of I can't. So is it a battle of choices then? That's the kind of conundrum I'm not sure I can live for long. Don't get me wrong. I have yet to do a Sylvia Plath again, but i feel the selfish need to publicly display and say with glorious feeling of triumph that my intention for exit is rigorously leaning toward the splendor of self and a gun. It's almost like a badge or boast. It centers my direction, saying it.

Anonymous said...

am i talking to holden caulfield?

this choice issue is too complicated. i'd rather think it this way: we all choose according to our standards of good and bad, right or wrong. then we await the consequences. then we decide whether we live with it (the consequence) or we die.

sorry for being so prosaic.

i imagine you to be this sculptor or whatever.. and your exit strategy is your final work of art..the carved image springing from the formless stone of the biology of your being. you hold it up for everyone to see..and they will see it and will be amazed by it, and they will bow down at your genius. the splendor of self, as you say. i almost understand you. or i think i almost do. or i may be wrong..

Anonymous said...

Anyway, good for you and keep up being stable. Not that I'm condescending or whatever more apt word should be used. It's just sometimes I have enough belief in what I think of science to simply dismiss myself as not just insane, but really not sane. But I still have movies and books to finish, so that's not really hopeless for someone who's got a clean exit strategy for an ambition, right? insert laugh....

Anonymous said...


Like surprising design.
Like flared male.
Like tip of the tongue congruence. Like fly.
Like daily thunder, like not season.
Like jailed for something bigger. Like stellar stain.
Like nightlife.
Like pure stunning Mondays.
Like plaid hungry flower.
Like seasonal telling.
Like partitioned data of error.
Like flaccid bruised face.
Like the genius of being ever.
Like a decision in the context of those who have seen the photos.
Like college for new ordered tray.
Like eczema for the laughably unwanted.
Like sclera scratched.
Like triumph of disc.
Like taped ecstatic. Like ten.
Like the clear consequence of why bother correcting.
Like the base of clear hot.
Like pardon the eagle.
Like step on basis.
Like anatomy but not that bit of an imposition.
Like technological false.
Like tactic, but only in design, or at least as much as you see it's day.
Like the insignia for cancel.
Like beautiful specify.
Like specify, but only in the context of image.
Like bored to Asia Minor.
Like as known as USSR.
Like the questionable two-finger sign for O.K.
Like this, but more Basketball-ey.
Like hundreds of era. And then forgot.
Like issue of edits.
Like nameless underpaid ciphers.
Like mythological sorry.
Like unbalanced but, and I emphasize this because it's usually AND, unrequited chat.
Like all the worships of the justifiably ogled at.
Like the wistful photographic image of shamefully overlaundered shirt.
Like nice names.

Anonymous said...

Here's another one I really want you to watch and like: As usual, press play then hit pause and complete buffer before play para dili putol2x.

hannilou said...

Merry christmas, happy new year, and happy birthday next month, if i'm not mistaken. :)

will comment later on the vid bad. nagkamang ang wifi.

Richard J.A. said...

2021! still powerful basahon!!