Saturday, June 7, 2008

An Antiphon

(for lolo ostoy on his 9th death anniversary)

The dark embers of heaven descends upon the earth and sighs.
Gone are the mourners
And dimmed now the footfall of the procession
That watched you close your weary eyes
And place your hands over your hardened breast.
Nothing stirs but the dust around your epitaph settling
And the thrashing of the nearby sea.
Nothing here but a celestial drone
Wheeling its notes in spectral ripples
Like the way the sound of your voice
Reverberates in a hundred languages
Or the way your avian eyes speak
What syllables could not utter
Or words, in their essence, could not pronounce.
It’s been worlds hence.
I can’t remember when the rain last danced
At the sound of your absent laughter.
Yet long after dirges die and footsteps fade
Into a mystic moon’s chasm, I listen.

Music remains.


Anonymous said...

Reminds me of J.Zafra's LitWit Challenge Winner's entry about the stairs and the clock. Pretty similar, the descending from heaven part. That wasn't you, right? Or should I say, I might be a privy of being told if it was you, right? It'd be pretty interesting if I guessed it right. Because I'm anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Oh my greek what was I thinking?! It couldn't have been, this was written way way before! This isn't good.

Anonymous said...

No wait. Now this is scary. The first one's actually what I meant. It really could have been. What I meant there was that maybe the one who wrote the LitWit entry could've been the one who wrote this piece years back. Time to sleep more.

hannilou said...

I have yet to read that litwit entry about the stairs and the clock.

have you ever won a litwit challenge bad?

(have you watched one flew over the cuckoo's nest? have you read the book? found one at booksale and it was selling at fifteen pesos, can you believe that? i snatched it off before anyone else knew it was there. and mcmurphy reminds me of you, not that you're crazy of anything though. or maybe it's jack nicholson in a bonnet, but then i've never seen you wear one. so why? it boggles me even.)

only wish i could have won a challenge.

Anonymous said...

Re: McMurphy.

I hope it's not the part about him pretending to be insane because while I admit I may take full jest of myself saying that I may be out of my mind before, I no longer say that all too often these days because that part scares me now. It's now the reason I'm spending too much on some relief I don't completely trust but have to say is really good.

hannilou said...

yea it was a bit talking about your exit strategy and all. is this relief some sort of medication or diversion? if it is, then i'm glad. you sure do scare me sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Medication balik. Kay nag "relapse" ko, niundang ko atong tambal sa dili saktong oras. Maong nibalik ang mga bati nga symptoms. Pinaka curious of which is, mag lisod kog sabot sa mga butang, especially sentences/phrases in negative form e.g. I am NOT eating, it is NOT here, ug DILI lang siya. Weird, right?

hannilou said...

do NOT read this.

i do hope that whatever you're going through is NOT permanent, some of the better things in life are best experienced in negative form.:)