Saturday, June 7, 2008

Beauty Is Darkness Too

Beauty is darkness too.

It is night’s uncertainty, the unseeing
Of that which we so fondly gaze at day
Whose every line and flowing curve
By the brightness of the sun
We have studied with laborious zeal.

Beauty is the lengthened shadow on the wall
Borne of the candle’s flame.
A distorted figure dancing in rhythm
To a nameless beat, belying the stiffened
Form of its kin from which it sprang.

Beauty is the night sky, black and bare.
The voice coming from nowhere,
The mystery of a sigh.

Beauty is a silhouette
Whose true worth remains hid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But isn't it asset, this beauty, that mocks accounting?

Isn't it what ugly should be very wary of?

Isn't drier than feet stoned to bleeding?

A foreshadow that warns you of an incoming meta of trauma.