Saturday, June 7, 2008


nobody knows it as much as
him standing beside you
silently waiting, unnoticed
wanting your trust
you would not give it to him
instead you look up to his
wearied face and utter i’m sorry
though you never really
mean it you say you’ll never
do it but promises have long
forgotten their purpose

one more wouldn’t hurt

he wept crimson blood
and you smile and tell yourself
he understands.


Anonymous said...

At its least, it brings to mind one of the I think only less than 5 songs I store in my hard drive from Fiona Apple: I Know. Just imagine what it does when you're really feeling like it.

hannilou said...

why did you even bother with this piece? i really ought to delete these horrible little things.

Anonymous said...

If you delete this blog, you will face trial.

Anonymous said...

Act 2, Algorithm 2

though you can never really
mean it even if you tried
even if you wanted
because sin never had a better captive "